Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hundreds remember the 1906 earthquake, the honor of survivors

Hundreds remember the 1906 earthquake, the honor of survivors

flower, after the annual ceremony to commemorate the 106th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, California is Wednesday, April 18, 2012.

(04-18) 09:31 PDT San Francisco – Hundreds bowed their heads before dawn Wednesday to celebrate the 106th anniversary of the great 1906 earthquake nearly leveled San Francisco.

About 300 people, fire men, police and city officials gathered at Lotta Fountatin Kearny, Geary and Market streets in honor of the earthquake in 3000 killed four and a toast to a well-known living survivors.

The two survivors, George Quilici and 8 days after turning 107 and Winnie Hook, 106, braved the cold early morning ride to the ceremony in the city in 1930 Lincoln convertible.

Quilici and Hook were both children of the San Andreas Fault slipped to 18th at 5:12 in the morning April 1906 and 7.9 quake rumbled the city. An earthquake off the fire tore through the city for three days, leaving the heart of the city in ruins.

The organizers invited a minute of silence at 5:11 am One minute later, the dark center of an intersection full of emergency sirens, the earthquake now stands. Mayor Ed Lee, hung a wreath memorial fountain.

Quilici or Not Hook remembers the devastation, but they were still big celebrities in the early morning of the event. Two expressions of perplexity sat behind an antique convertible as well-wishers scurried over to take pictures.

Quilici’s father was at home salon at Columbus and Bay streets, when the earthquake struck. Salooneventually was burnt and his family moved to Hunters Point, Quilici said.

Hook, who was only two months old in 1906, was in Oakland when the earthquake hit, he said. He said that the celebration in his honor was simply “awesome.”

The two survivors, Bill Del Monte, 106, and Ruth Newman, 110, did not participate in the early morning festivities.

Fire Chi ef Joanne Hayes-White said the survivors – Del Monte, he said Friday, using Skype -. perfect expression of the San Francisco

“We are celebrating the appointment of our city, which was almost torn off the map,” he told the audience.

Kimberley Mikel San Francisco was in 1906-style hat and a coat for the ceremony. Mikel, who is a member of their district disaster response teams, said he enjoyed celebrating the San Francisco earthquake-filled story.

“I do not remember (1989) Loma Prieta earthquake. Marina I was at the time.” Mikel said. “I had to hold on.

” I’m just so surprised that these people have done it here, “he said, referring to Quilici and Hook.” That they were there. ‘

When a journalist asked Hook if he would return next year’s celebration, he stopped.

“If you can make it hotter,” he said.

News in San Francisco Bay Area – SFGate

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