Thursday, April 26, 2012

The astronomer believes the meteorite pieces in Gold Country

The astronomer believes the meteorite pieces in Gold Country

meteorite that entered Earth’s atmosphere Sunday was the large estate, photographed near Reno.

(04-26) 12:00 PDT San Francisco -. Searchers near the historic Sutter its Mill have discovered fragments of the meteorite, which exploded in a sky at sunrise last Sunday

Peter Jenniskens of the same NASA astronomer who traveled through the Nubian desert four years ago fragments of a small asteroid and bring them home, said Wednesday that he had found fragments of the object space asphalt parking lot Henningsen Lotus Park, Lotus is located in the small town of El Dorado County.

fragment, he said, had fallen on the asphalt road and parking lot was broken fragments of the smaller car ran over.

“The meteor itself was supposed to be great,” Jenniskens said, “probably the kiloton range. But now we find more fragments, so that we can begin to understand how it broke, and what was inside.”

Team seekers NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View are looking for this week and resume on Thursday, Jenniskens said.

“Now we hope that anyone who has any videos or amateur photographs of the explosion itself to contact us so we can begin to understand their way before the meteor when it exploded.

Anyo ne have pictures of the explosion may be contacted at Jenniskens petrus.m.jenniskens @

This article on page C – 6 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

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