Thursday, April 19, 2012

Farallones tragedy concerns the debate about

Farallones tragedy concerns the debate about

Yacht Racing safety rules will not change immediately after killing five people last weekend, Farallon Islands, according to a group that monitors the sailboat races around the San Francisco Bay.

“went on to business as usual,” says Laura Munoz Executive Director of the Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay. “I think that at some point, we actually talk to, but right now everything is still trying to deal with loss. It is too early.”

slow speed chase, 38-foot sailboat from San Francisco Yacht Club in Belvedere, were slammed broadside by a 12-foot wave on Saturday, as it rounded the island’s full-team Farallones Race. Five eight crew washed overboard and the ship fell into the rocks.

Some sailors call for stricter security rules after the wreck, such as mandatory tethers in windy conditions and a “safety zone” of 300 meters or so around the Farallones, which are notoriously dangerous, because the surrounding land and irregular, steep waves.

“racers are trying to go as fast as possible, and sometimes a good decision is a compromise of security,” said John Navas of San Francisco, who won the Farallones lasts 2 years ago, and statements of the Association Board to beef up safety regulations.

The sailors are often skirt close to the island to save time, he said, and tragedy is inevitable, if the rules are being followed. Before last weekend, six sailors died since 1980 in the official race that circles the rocky islands 27 miles west of the Golden Gate.

Many others have died, if you sail to the islands during other activities.

slow speed chase master, James Bradford, of San Francisco investor, could not be reached to comment this week.

San Francisco Police is investigating the wreck. The investigation is routine, not unlike the survey, which takes place after a serious car accident, said Officer Albie Esparza, a spokesman for the police.

The researchers have taken pictures of the wreckage from the helicopter and interviewed some of the team members, Esparza said. They could explore in detail the ship when it is back to the mainland.

This could lead to criminal charges if someone is found to have negligently caused the accident, Esparza said.

The Coast Guard supports the San Francisco police in their investigation, officials said.

next race is April 28 offshore from the San Francisco waterfront to Duxbury Reef near Point Reyes. 12th May racers Farallones again made the annual competition with one hand.

Boats registered in another 900 or so sailboat races held annually around the San Francisco Bay to meet the 20-page rules of yacht racing association. The rules dictate everything from deck layout lifelines for emergency beacons.

“You can not just grab a cooler and head out to the Farallones” Munoz says. “Boats that go there are well-equipped to handle the conditions they face.”

Notwithstanding the rules were the sailors racing throughout the Bay Area think about the risks.

“lesson which blooms very strongly that if you’re near the breaking swell, keep the damn harness,” says Paul Kamen, Berkeley waterfront commissioner, and a sailor.

“We do not use belts nearly enough,” he said.

harness is attached to a short tether, which in turn is related to the boat is designed to keep a sailor from the sea has created over the side. But men often jump into the sea belts and tethers, because they hinder the movement, he said.

And some of the tethers do not like at all, noting that the sailors are those times, died when struck and dragged overboard.

But for many, the risk is part of the thrill. Despite the deaths have been lured legions of sailors went on rocky islands – known to sailors as the “stinking Rocks” – said Bob Naber, communications director of the Bay Ar ea Association, the body, which lasted from March 31 Doublehanded Farallones Race.

“Why do people go to Black Diamond runs, not that easier?” he said. “It is more complex, more technical and exciting, that’s why. There is a sense of accomplishment.”

This article on page C – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

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