Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tall Ship built in the 19th century-style SF

Tall Ship built in the 19th century-style SF

Alan Olson walked around to keep his feet on the floor in preparation for transfer to the paper shop in Sausalito, and sounded like a master, as he explained the nuances of the sailboat of your dreams.

Olson, director of the nonprofit group Educational Tall Ship at the San Francisco Bay, is an innovative, $ 5000000 a joint project of the replica type of wooden sailing ships built in the Bay Area from the 19th century shipbuilder by Matthew Turner.

Olson, 70, Mill Valley, and his aides had carefully shaped plywood establishing the exact dimensions of 42 vertebrae, which form part of the ship, the first stage of the design and construction.

“This is what it will look when it is finished,” said Olson, pointing to an old painting myriads of fluttering sails of the vessel to reach the sky. “It can be used for sea and along the coast. They are fast, because the power of the sail.”

Students, volunteers to help

pubDate classic 130-foot sailing vessel, or Brigantine, built from scratch within 18 to 21 months from students and volunteer carpenters, and then sailed and maintained by Bay Area young people who use it as an applied art and maritime history classroom.

Olson, a longtime sailor and boat builder, said he is now negotiating for the Port of San Francisco waterfront in Mission Bay as a site to build a ship and anchor it when it is finished. Several other potential waterfront facilities, including Richmond and Sausalito, considered to be the case in San Francisco did not work, he said.

plan is to design, build and rig ship the same materials and methods that Turner used to build their ships. Turner built 228 vessels, including brigs, yachts, and the South Seas Schooner packages between 1864 and 1907, making him the most prolific in the history of sailing ship built in America.

across the board, including trucks, desks, and the network is built in Douglas fir, t he same kind of wood that was used 150 years ago.

Carbon Neutral

pubDate difference is that Turner built his ship, using a very old wood in the forest that once covered the California and was almost destroyed to build the San Francisco and other cities West Coast. Tall Ship is a group of wood donated by a nonprofit conservation fund, which uses carbon neutral in sustainably managed forests by logging practices in the Big River in Mendocino County, which is saved from development.

The result is the first entirely carbon neutral sailboat of its size in the world.

Tall Ship is not just a wooden sailing ship built in the old ship aficionados – Spanish galleon built in San Diego – but Olson said it would be the only major ship Brigantine clear roots in San Francisco, sustainable products built specifically for educational purposes only.

Modern features

pubDate Olson said a few 21st century, features used, including a novel system that uses carbonated water to create electricity to power a backup generator. The electric motor will also be in the Coast Guard calls anything.

drawings, but it is straight out of Matthew Turner School boatbuilding. The ship’s captain Turner was able to buy their own boat, which uses the money he has made during the Gold Rush mining and eventually became a cod-fishing company, and sugar and tropical products merchant. He designed his first boat, trying to improve the speed and efficiency of merchant ships sailing through the fickle winds and harsh weather conditions unique to the Pacific. His innovative designs and Bermudian sail system has proven to be effective, and his talents were soon in great demand.

Famous ships

pubDate Turner’s Shipyard, which is now the San Francisco Mission Bay produced an average of one run per month for 8 years from the 1875th One boat, the equator, the commissioning of the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson. The second Lurline won three of the first four Los Angeles transpacific Hawaii Yacht races.

Speed ​​was what made his sailboat, the famous Galilee. They did escape from the island of Tahiti Papeete San Francisco, for 22 days, a record which still stands. Turner moved his shipyard in Benicia 1883rd

Galilee Olson chose a model of his vessel. The students who built it over the next two years will be recruited local schools, churches, youth, science and sailing programs, he said, and controlled by the workers’ Tri-Coastal Marine, a company that specializes in boat building and design.

“We not only hope to stir some interest in the story, Matthew Turner, but to preserve and revive the rich maritime history of San Franci sco Bay,” he said.

group has raised $ 1,250,000 in cash and donations of lumber, enough to start the design of the ship. Olson said the nonprofit hopes to raise the remaining $ 3.75 million if the word gets out, and the project takes off.

When it finishes in 2014, Olson said that his second nonprofit, Call of the Sea, organized boat trips and education programs of up to 80 passengers, 40 of them will spend the night.

“There is a million children in the Bay Area that could use instead of staring at their electronic devices,” he said. “Getting them in contact with nature instead of a virtual world, we can make significant changes in their lives.”

Read more

pubDate Online. For more information visit the Tall Ship project www.educationaltallship.org

This article is the second page – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

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