Friday, June 1, 2012

Mayor Ed Lee presents S.F. "S 1 2-year budget

Mayor Ed Lee presents S.F. "S 1 2-year budget

San Francisco is a city of the new year to $ 7000000000 for the first time, a big number, but one value, said Mayor Ed Lee on Thursday.

1 over the city, two-year spending plan restores funding for local HIV and AIDS services targeted at the federal cuts to include more money for public schools, and the ups and small business financing employment programs.

“We’ve probably taken the responsibility, we probably should not, but we considered it necessary to reflect our values,” said Lee, after he submitted the budget to address the Board of Supervisors Legislative Chamber of City Hall.

Ten years ago, had a budget of $ 5 billion. It hit $ 4 billion in the 1999th

This year’s total reflects the major tasks will be the city state and federal governments, city officials said, including the derivation of the criminals in county jails increased role of the low local public health systems in the federal health reforms and renovations to the local society governor Jerry Brown, the dissolved organizations statewide.

Budget does not contain a large fee increases that had rankled residents last year, but it contains some minor including tennis lessons and use of city-owned golf courses.

2-year spending plan – a total of $ 7.3 billion of the new financial year begins on 1 July next year and $ 7600000000 – Lee recovered $ 6.7 million financing of a local HIV and AIDS services in the first year. It also included a reserve of $ 6,000,000 plus $ 30 on top of one million city hall must be submitted in accordance with the mandate of the voters of San Francisco to help cash-strapped public schools system.

support for neighborhoods

pubDate in the budget will improve the Bayview-Hunters Point and the Third Street corridor, a middle-class Sixth Street corridor, which was included in the government reorganization means.

In his proposed budget now heads the Board of Supervisors for consideration. But if the instructors had a marked response in his presentation – a standing ovation – there’s not a battle that has muddied the rapid adoption in the past. However, supervisors press for more funding for pet programs will continue in their budget analyst Harvey Rose, and find additional savings in the coming weeks.

Lee told supervisors that his budget plan reflects the city’s unwillingness to give up its restructuring in the area and protect the most vulnerable residents. The plan also calls for training of 300 police and 84 firefighters over the next two years to make up a wave of retirements of police and fire protection.

Mayor also calls for increased support for smal l businesses in the city’s neighborhood commercial corridors and the financing of small business loans, but his budget does not live up to his campaign promise on that front.

Lee, the curator of their first year of office before he was elected in November, made a campaign promise to invest “$ 5 million next year,” the city’s small business revolving loan fund that provides low-interest loans to small businesses in San Francisco, who is denied a bank loan and promise to create or retain at least one low-income jobs.

unqualified success

pubDate the mayor’s administration has been an unqualified success and a great program this year, Lee pushed through the $ 1,000,000 allocation of loan funds. His budget calls for another $ 2 million this year – bringing the annual total of just $ 3 million. Another $ 2 million budget for next fiscal year.

“The budget will see an investment – an investment that will ensure that people who live, work and visit our city to feel safe investment to protect our social safety nets that support seniors and youth, low income and working-class families, investment, that support our neighborhoods, our infrastructure and our commercial corridor, “Lee said of the board.

Mayor of the bridge than the expected $ 170 million budget in March of factors, including an additional $ 90 million in additional income tax revenue to improve public funds to move detainees liability and the year before the money was not ‘t be used.

Many super visors expressed initial support spending plan, though Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, a political ally of the mayor but also fiscal hawk, reserved judgment.

“too early for me (saying),” Elsbernd said.

Supervisor David Campos said he was satisfied with the joint work of the Mayor of the budget, but he still is concerned about gaps in services.

No health cuts

pubDate This is the first year in recent memory that the city has not had a mandate to keep public consultation on public health cuts as someone suggested.

“This is a great good news,” says the San Francisco Public Health Director Barbara Garcia.

The funding of social services also remained. The proposed reduction of health and human services budgets in recent years has been the flashpoint of discontent, sparking protests, sit-ins and late in the negotiations between the mayor and supervisors.

Phil Ginsburg, general manager of the Recreation and Park Department, Mayor described the plan good news for the budget because the city has not fully recovered from a deep economic recession that led to painful cuts in recent years.

“No more fee increases, no layoffs, no reduction in service, so we are really starting to stabilize,” Ginsburg said.

This article on page C – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

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