Friday, June 29, 2012

Your lucky numbers

Your lucky numbers

Friday, June 29, features the last set

Mega Millions Jackpot: $ 65,000,000

Tuesday, 3 July, the jackpot: 29 Jun pulls

Fantasy 5 4 5 12 17 37
Daily Class = 4 7 8 = 2 5
Daily 3 (dinner) 4 7 7
Daily 3 (Eve) 8 4 9

pubDate Daily Derby race time albani 1:43.92

class =
> third
First 06 Whirl Win
second 05 California Classic
12 Good luck

pubDate Wednesday, June 27, lottery payouts

Super Lotto Jackpot: $ 7000000

Saturday, June 30, Jackpot: $ 8,000,000

price range albani number albani winners prize per winner
albani 5 with 5 Mega 0 $ 7000000
5 albani 5 3 $ 15,947
4 and 5, along with Mega 12 $ 1.993
4, and 5 346 $ 115
3 and 5, along with Mega 551 $ 65
3 and 5 14,831 $ 11
2 and 5, along with Mega 8175 $ 11
1 and 5 with Mega 41,997 $ 2
Matched Mega 65,570 $ 1

the Bay Area News

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An adult chimpanzee is killing a baby chimpanzee in LA Zoo

An adult chimpanzee is killing a baby chimpanzee in LA Zoo

Los Angeles (AP) – mother ted a baby chimp killed the adult male at the Los Angeles Zoo has been allowed to keep the child’s body during the night

zoo said in a statement that leaves the dead child’s mother gives him the opportunity to grieve.

unnamed female baby chimpanzee man was killed Tuesday in an attack witnessed visits

child was born on 6 March for a chimp named Gracie, and gradually introduce one ted the biggest forces in the North American zoo. The zoo says that there were no signs ted aggressive behavior in your own

Experts say, however, to attack the other chimpanzees tedten the descendants ted a few men in the wild and in captivity.

the Bay Area News

Border Patrol agents set for corruption trial

Border Patrol agents set for corruption trial

San Diego (AP) – Raul Villarreal was a long face of the Border Patrol, often appear in television news as an agency spokesman, and trafficking in a dangerous act of public service messages designed to warn Mexicans the dangers of illegally entering the United States

Prosecutors now say that he knew that Smuggler’s role as well, because he was really

Raul and his older brother and fellow former agent, Fidel, accused of smuggling hundreds of immigrants to the Border Patrol vehicles. Federal prosecutors say they were tipped brothers were under investigation in June 2006, forcing them to flee to Mexico

Soon after, live in Tijuana, Mexico, the District Chief of Police border city patrol cars to customers allegedly made Villarreals hail of 200 bullets killed. Brothers arrested in Tijuana in October 2008 – more than two years after abruptly to join the Border Patrol – and the issue before the U.S. charges of human trafficking, witness tampering and bribery

will be trial next month in San Diego, is one of the highest profile cases of corruption to escape from the Border Patrol as it went to work to celebrate the last decade. . The brothers, now in their early 40s, have asked not guilty to all points

Border Patrol has suffered a number of such embarrassments ago doubled the size of the last seven years more than 21,000 agents. His national strategy released last month notes that even the agent is unacceptable, and outlines steps to fight corruption

criminal charges against employees of Customs and Border Protection – which monitors the border agents and other border areas, security officials – is growing every year during the last four to 60 in fiscal 2011 pursuant to the Department of Homeland Security inspector general. There have been 232 charges in October 2007 to April 2012

Raul” implement the so-called American dream, “wrote David Nick, his lawyer

Fidel excelled as a student, the police training, community college, studied at the State University of Aeronautics and joined the Border Patrol 1998th His family says it was customary to call the police reported graffiti in the neighborhood

As an adult, Villarreal brothers lived with their parents and siblings in the house they purchased for $ 140,000 in 1996 in National City, about 10 miles from the border. Correspondence with family and friends say that they were devoted to their parents, diabetic mother and father’s heart disease

investigation began in May 2005, the informant’s tip of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Investigators cameras installed poles where immigrants were to plant a secret recording devices, sat on the border monitoring equipment and vehicles, followed by a smuggling load the plane.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Police seek charges against the suspects shot by CHP

Police seek charges against the suspects shot by CHP

Sunnyvale, California (AP) -. Police ask the tax man can not play in Sunnyvale, California Highway Patrol officers who shot at the end of the quest

Sunnyvale Police Captain Dave Verbrugge (ver-BRU -Gee), says 34-year-old James Ligon will remain stable condition in hospital after he was shot early Thursday.

Investigators say the two CHP officers tried to pull onto Highway 101 Ligon, because they suspected he drove under the influence, rather than stay , he led them to the pursuit, which ended a few miles away from the residential street in Sunnyvale

If you can pull over Ligon, Verbrugge says he got out of his car and shot, as one of the officers “knew his life was in danger”

Friday, June 22, 2012

Woman dies, 2 others hurt in Berkeley blaze

Woman dies, 2 others hurt in Berkeley blaze

Berkeley house fire killed one woman and injured two people early Thursday, officials said.

Meredith Ann Joyce, 26, Oakland died of burns and smoke inhalation due to a 2-alarm blaze in 2919 Lorina St, which began in the basement of Victorian-style home, authorities said.

fire at 2:36 am after neighbors reported flames shoot from behind home near the corner of Ashby and Shattuck roads.

Seven people escaped from a 4-bedroom home, Fire Chief Gil Dong said the vice president, but one of them said to the neighbors of his girlfriend, Joyce, was still inside.

Robert McCargar, 67, said he and other neighbors tried to go upstairs to save Joyce, but was beaten back to the smoke.

“We came back around the end of the room and the smoke was just too dangerous,” McCargar said as he stood next to the damaged homes. “This is part of the randomness of life in a way. I feel bad because I know he loved them.”

Firefighters found Joyce resp onds to the third floor attic area, said Dong, and she died at the scene. Her family has declined to comment.

McCargar his roommate, Gianna Ranuzzi said several people had apparently gone home from Oregon and my friend Joyce was one of five people.

Ranuzzi fled the home when the fire broke out. “When I came out, the Inferno, the tower in flames” from the house, he said. Joyce was out with a girl, was crying, he said.

Two people were hospitalized, one for smoke inhalation and other minor burns.

Investigators believe the fire started in the basement back home, but the cause is under investigation, said Deputy Fire Chief John Fitch. Two temperature sensors and smoke detectors were at home, and investigators are trying to determine whether they are working during a fire.

American Red Cross was the scene to assist displaced residents.

This article on page C – 2 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

Friday, June 15, 2012

Blaze near Bart may be suspicious - 3 sought

Blaze near Bart may be suspicious - 3 sought

BART shut down the line in Oakland and San Francisco on Thursday morning, as this early morning fire in West Oakland near their stories.

The researchers were looking for three men seen near the West Oakland site moments before the start ignited Thursday and injured near the BART tracks. It also examined the possibility that the fire was deliberately set officials said.

Investigators from the Oakland fire department and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has focused its attention on the debris of the southern entrance to the Red Star unfinished senior housing complex where they think the inferno started.

Add Baker, Oakland battalion commander, said the security guard looks like a 4-storey site, Seventh Street and Mandela Parkway reported three suspicious people near the house shortly after 2 am fire broke out minutes later and grew to a 3-alarm blaze in half an hour, Baker said.

“It was like kindling,&# 8221; he said.

According to Oakland police radio traffic began moments after the fire, a security guard for the Command International Security Services, or the teens reported being harassed by three young men who tried to attack him.

Kim Newbill, office manager, Van Nuys, said a security guard company rested at home and would not comment more.

Baker said building a large wooden frame fueled the fire for several hours, when they lit street melting rebar and throwing debris on the track at West Oakland BART Station. A car parked next to the building fell molten puddle.

injured third Railway

Sieves Over

Paul, Bart, Deputy Head of operations, said the damage included a 400-foot section of the third railway package, which gives the right to change trains.

gas leak caused fire, Baker said, but Pacific Gas and Electric Co. crews were able to close the main valve before the gas can be fed to the fire.

Late Thursday, residents were still overwhelmed by the amount of damage caused by Inferno.

Ramzey Mohamed, who lives a few blocks away, and holds close to the BART Board of gas and food store, said he appeals to a cousin about 2 am phone call to alert him to the fire. He said, heard several loud explosions immediately and ran in front of the blaze.

“You can feel the heat 2 blocks away,” he said. “The idea of ​​a fire station is immediately made me nervous.”

lost revenue for the seller

pubDate Although the underground tanks were spared, Mohamed said that the fire melted off surveillance cameras, and cost him $ 15,000 a day in lost revenues. Mohamed also rents parking spaces Bart commuters.

Red Star apartment complex was opened late this year or early 2013, officials of the LINC Housing Corp. of Santa Ana said.

co-developers of the 120-unit complex had won $ 1.03 million state grant to build affordable housing for seniors, the data show. Officials said they do not know if they want to give back, or if insurance will cover the costs.

“We are still working out all the details of what happened,” says Jenny SUNY, a co-Chief Operating Officer at LINC Housing. “This is an incomplete set of facts. We are still trying to look and see what the whole picture looks like.”

This article is the second page – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tall Ship built in the 19th century-style SF

Tall Ship built in the 19th century-style SF

Alan Olson walked around to keep his feet on the floor in preparation for transfer to the paper shop in Sausalito, and sounded like a master, as he explained the nuances of the sailboat of your dreams.

Olson, director of the nonprofit group Educational Tall Ship at the San Francisco Bay, is an innovative, $ 5000000 a joint project of the replica type of wooden sailing ships built in the Bay Area from the 19th century shipbuilder by Matthew Turner.

Olson, 70, Mill Valley, and his aides had carefully shaped plywood establishing the exact dimensions of 42 vertebrae, which form part of the ship, the first stage of the design and construction.

“This is what it will look when it is finished,” said Olson, pointing to an old painting myriads of fluttering sails of the vessel to reach the sky. “It can be used for sea and along the coast. They are fast, because the power of the sail.”

Students, volunteers to help

pubDate classic 130-foot sailing vessel, or Brigantine, built from scratch within 18 to 21 months from students and volunteer carpenters, and then sailed and maintained by Bay Area young people who use it as an applied art and maritime history classroom.

Olson, a longtime sailor and boat builder, said he is now negotiating for the Port of San Francisco waterfront in Mission Bay as a site to build a ship and anchor it when it is finished. Several other potential waterfront facilities, including Richmond and Sausalito, considered to be the case in San Francisco did not work, he said.

plan is to design, build and rig ship the same materials and methods that Turner used to build their ships. Turner built 228 vessels, including brigs, yachts, and the South Seas Schooner packages between 1864 and 1907, making him the most prolific in the history of sailing ship built in America.

across the board, including trucks, desks, and the network is built in Douglas fir, t he same kind of wood that was used 150 years ago.

Carbon Neutral

pubDate difference is that Turner built his ship, using a very old wood in the forest that once covered the California and was almost destroyed to build the San Francisco and other cities West Coast. Tall Ship is a group of wood donated by a nonprofit conservation fund, which uses carbon neutral in sustainably managed forests by logging practices in the Big River in Mendocino County, which is saved from development.

The result is the first entirely carbon neutral sailboat of its size in the world.

Tall Ship is not just a wooden sailing ship built in the old ship aficionados – Spanish galleon built in San Diego – but Olson said it would be the only major ship Brigantine clear roots in San Francisco, sustainable products built specifically for educational purposes only.

Modern features

pubDate Olson said a few 21st century, features used, including a novel system that uses carbonated water to create electricity to power a backup generator. The electric motor will also be in the Coast Guard calls anything.

drawings, but it is straight out of Matthew Turner School boatbuilding. The ship’s captain Turner was able to buy their own boat, which uses the money he has made during the Gold Rush mining and eventually became a cod-fishing company, and sugar and tropical products merchant. He designed his first boat, trying to improve the speed and efficiency of merchant ships sailing through the fickle winds and harsh weather conditions unique to the Pacific. His innovative designs and Bermudian sail system has proven to be effective, and his talents were soon in great demand.

Famous ships

pubDate Turner’s Shipyard, which is now the San Francisco Mission Bay produced an average of one run per month for 8 years from the 1875th One boat, the equator, the commissioning of the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson. The second Lurline won three of the first four Los Angeles transpacific Hawaii Yacht races.

Speed ​​was what made his sailboat, the famous Galilee. They did escape from the island of Tahiti Papeete San Francisco, for 22 days, a record which still stands. Turner moved his shipyard in Benicia 1883rd

Galilee Olson chose a model of his vessel. The students who built it over the next two years will be recruited local schools, churches, youth, science and sailing programs, he said, and controlled by the workers’ Tri-Coastal Marine, a company that specializes in boat building and design.

“We not only hope to stir some interest in the story, Matthew Turner, but to preserve and revive the rich maritime history of San Franci sco Bay,” he said.

group has raised $ 1,250,000 in cash and donations of lumber, enough to start the design of the ship. Olson said the nonprofit hopes to raise the remaining $ 3.75 million if the word gets out, and the project takes off.

When it finishes in 2014, Olson said that his second nonprofit, Call of the Sea, organized boat trips and education programs of up to 80 passengers, 40 of them will spend the night.

“There is a million children in the Bay Area that could use instead of staring at their electronic devices,” he said. “Getting them in contact with nature instead of a virtual world, we can make significant changes in their lives.”

Read more

pubDate Online. For more information visit the Tall Ship project

This article is the second page – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mayor Ed Lee presents S.F. "S 1 2-year budget

Mayor Ed Lee presents S.F. "S 1 2-year budget

San Francisco is a city of the new year to $ 7000000000 for the first time, a big number, but one value, said Mayor Ed Lee on Thursday.

1 over the city, two-year spending plan restores funding for local HIV and AIDS services targeted at the federal cuts to include more money for public schools, and the ups and small business financing employment programs.

“We’ve probably taken the responsibility, we probably should not, but we considered it necessary to reflect our values,” said Lee, after he submitted the budget to address the Board of Supervisors Legislative Chamber of City Hall.

Ten years ago, had a budget of $ 5 billion. It hit $ 4 billion in the 1999th

This year’s total reflects the major tasks will be the city state and federal governments, city officials said, including the derivation of the criminals in county jails increased role of the low local public health systems in the federal health reforms and renovations to the local society governor Jerry Brown, the dissolved organizations statewide.

Budget does not contain a large fee increases that had rankled residents last year, but it contains some minor including tennis lessons and use of city-owned golf courses.

2-year spending plan – a total of $ 7.3 billion of the new financial year begins on 1 July next year and $ 7600000000 – Lee recovered $ 6.7 million financing of a local HIV and AIDS services in the first year. It also included a reserve of $ 6,000,000 plus $ 30 on top of one million city hall must be submitted in accordance with the mandate of the voters of San Francisco to help cash-strapped public schools system.

support for neighborhoods

pubDate in the budget will improve the Bayview-Hunters Point and the Third Street corridor, a middle-class Sixth Street corridor, which was included in the government reorganization means.

In his proposed budget now heads the Board of Supervisors for consideration. But if the instructors had a marked response in his presentation – a standing ovation – there’s not a battle that has muddied the rapid adoption in the past. However, supervisors press for more funding for pet programs will continue in their budget analyst Harvey Rose, and find additional savings in the coming weeks.

Lee told supervisors that his budget plan reflects the city’s unwillingness to give up its restructuring in the area and protect the most vulnerable residents. The plan also calls for training of 300 police and 84 firefighters over the next two years to make up a wave of retirements of police and fire protection.

Mayor also calls for increased support for smal l businesses in the city’s neighborhood commercial corridors and the financing of small business loans, but his budget does not live up to his campaign promise on that front.

Lee, the curator of their first year of office before he was elected in November, made a campaign promise to invest “$ 5 million next year,” the city’s small business revolving loan fund that provides low-interest loans to small businesses in San Francisco, who is denied a bank loan and promise to create or retain at least one low-income jobs.

unqualified success

pubDate the mayor’s administration has been an unqualified success and a great program this year, Lee pushed through the $ 1,000,000 allocation of loan funds. His budget calls for another $ 2 million this year – bringing the annual total of just $ 3 million. Another $ 2 million budget for next fiscal year.

“The budget will see an investment – an investment that will ensure that people who live, work and visit our city to feel safe investment to protect our social safety nets that support seniors and youth, low income and working-class families, investment, that support our neighborhoods, our infrastructure and our commercial corridor, “Lee said of the board.

Mayor of the bridge than the expected $ 170 million budget in March of factors, including an additional $ 90 million in additional income tax revenue to improve public funds to move detainees liability and the year before the money was not ‘t be used.

Many super visors expressed initial support spending plan, though Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, a political ally of the mayor but also fiscal hawk, reserved judgment.

“too early for me (saying),” Elsbernd said.

Supervisor David Campos said he was satisfied with the joint work of the Mayor of the budget, but he still is concerned about gaps in services.

No health cuts

pubDate This is the first year in recent memory that the city has not had a mandate to keep public consultation on public health cuts as someone suggested.

“This is a great good news,” says the San Francisco Public Health Director Barbara Garcia.

The funding of social services also remained. The proposed reduction of health and human services budgets in recent years has been the flashpoint of discontent, sparking protests, sit-ins and late in the negotiations between the mayor and supervisors.

Phil Ginsburg, general manager of the Recreation and Park Department, Mayor described the plan good news for the budget because the city has not fully recovered from a deep economic recession that led to painful cuts in recent years.

“No more fee increases, no layoffs, no reduction in service, so we are really starting to stabilize,” Ginsburg said.

This article on page C – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate