Monday, May 14, 2012

S.F. Mayor Ed Lee's Golden State Warriors in court

S.F. Mayor Ed Lee's Golden State Warriors in court

It is official – San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee is directly calling the Golden State Warriors bounce back to San Francisco and the Bay

“2017 NBA season at the right time.”

a letter signed by all the instructors in 11 cities, the Port Commission, the San Francisco legislative contingent and a wealth of business and labor leaders, Lee said the city crew would “help to achieve this goal.”

There is nothing official, but the letter shows that the City is a waterfront scene – probably the Piers 30-32, decrepit pier near the Bay Bridge is now used for parking


idea would be to get the Arena built at the same Giants’ Stadium was down the street -. private financing

City sent a letter a few days after the meeting with the mayor of Los Angeles for new Warriors owner (and Hollywood Mogul), Peter Guber .

by a fluke, San Francisco, it also went on the heels of the State Controller John Chiang ‘s requirement that the Oakland handed over $ 3.5 million redevelopment plan to spend the money that the city had hoped for a new sports complex that contains the scene.

Green vs. green. San Franciscans enthusiasm for going green “clean energy” in your home seems to be so flat as the economy

recent population survey 3500 city utilities, the Commission found that 52 percent would perhaps Pacific Gas and Electric Co. It is only 3 percentage points more than similar poll taken last year.

willingness to pay “a little bit more” clean wind and solar energy fell 37 percent 45 percent a year earlier.

And this is after the expected growth has fallen by more than half – from $ 14 more per month to just $ 6


“There is a certain group of people who buy eco or green purchasing, and others who are interested in,” said the head of the PUC Ed Harrington . “We never thought it would be overwhelming, but there is a market.”

study was conducted to test the market town of the program. Board of Supervisors is considering spending $ 19500000 turn on the money for the project.

The plan provides for the city contract with Shell Energy to buy power, then puts it through the regular power supply lines.

Ramos commotion: Things got a little impatient with the second day of the district attorney press conference after the triple murder conviction gang member Edwin Ramos 2008 drive-by shootings Tony Bologna , and two of his sons, Excelsior.

Bologna widow Danielle – who was in the courtroom most of the 4-month probationary period -. I was hoping to solve a crush of reporters and cameras, but there was a catch

He is still in witness protection because prosecutors asked for the TV people will hide their faces, or just not show it.

request, brought howls of protests from the deadline, plagued by TV newsies.

result. Widow not seen or heard of TV shows later – but will not print journalists her party room

waterfront: After weeks of delaying tactics and arm twisting, time seems to run out of the Board of Supervisors President David Chiu efforts to kill the proposed 11-storey condo project with her own district in the waterfront.

8 Washington project is close to the condo owners who lose their positions, as well as some area businesses and politically difficult to Telegraph Hill residents Association.

On the other hand, light commercial, port and Rose Pak – China Town where nonprofits can benefit from the agreement – are pushing to adopt


is more at stake than just building . In this case it would be Chiu’s first major injury on board the President – with a double disgrace to your district


Scramble: to Word, state Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi shoplifting is eyeing run in Alameda County Nadia Lockyer tutorial ‘s vacant place in the political enemies scrambling to find a candidate who does not pack as much baggage.

One of them had contacted a former assemblyman Alberto Torrico Fremont, who In addition to both the Latino and Asian origin. But after weeks of mulling it over with his wife and children, Torrico told us that he has decided against it.

leave the door wide open, Hayashi, who claims to have a strong poll numbers despite poor no contest to shoplifting charges in San Francisco last year?

“I can tell you: you can not poll mug shot” Torrico said


EXTRA! Catch our blog at / matt ross exception.

This article on page C – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

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