Wednesday, May 16, 2012

SF fire control wages garnisheed - wife

SF fire control wages garnisheed - wife

judge has declared the San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes- White deadbeat divorced and gave the city to begin garnisheeing $ 3300 a month from his salary for support for his ex-wife’s husband.

Hayes-White says he stopped to pay support for about 14 months ago after an episode in which her former husband, Robert “Sean” White, , grabbed and choked one of their sons, while the booze fueled rage.

In December, he asked, not competition in San Mateo County Superior Court for a misdemeanor child protection and cruelty. He wears his sentence, County Sheriff and the detail of the work resides in the rehab house.

Last week, White went to San Francisco Superior Court requires that the driver to continue to pay him alimony when the couple was divorced from the 2009th

Friday wrote Judge Ron Albers to begin the repayment of its $ 302,000 annual salary, although it does not seem t o recover more than $ 40,000 behind in payments.

White Dog was by Bradley does not return a phone call for comment.

Help brawl is the latest twist in a couple of family drama.

In 2005, white – the cousin of the dead Dan White – the so-called 911 and accused his wife, hitting her head twice a pint glass in your kitchen in San Francisco. Hayes-White denied the allegations, and he recalled.

(No charges were ever made -. Something stopped supporters of Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has noted his argument that prosecutors overreached in charging him for what they see as an equivalent set of circumstances)

After a long separation, the couple divorced in 2009 but shared custody of their three children, until last year when Hayes-White got a restraining order prohibiting contact his or her two children who were still minors.

Hayes-White said in an interview, he stopped making payments because of rising costs of a spouse, has had his children.

“This is not about being vindictive,” he said. “Everything just went on a break” after last year’s attack a few Sun

boss also says white is not quite lived up to their end of their divorce settlement, including the cost of family medical expenses, which indicates that it has made “good faith effort” to find work.

“I’m assuming the responsibility for safety, health and welfare of their children,” Hayes-White said. “I like being the boss, but my job is to be the biggest and the best mother.”

Extra credit: , a teacher at Berkeley led a group of high school students are “off-hours’ journey to the other day – transfer to UC Berkeley Admissions Office


Kong Middle School teacher Yvette Felarca, , who is also the organizer of all the necessary activist group run by a group of about 25 protesters Friday, including some teenagers, to require UC to admit more underrepresented minorities.

Most of the teens remained in the police gave them out after about 2 hours, but the three were arrested on suspicion of crossing with 9 adults -. including Felarca

All teens were in high school, and someone had his humanities classes Felarca King.

“I’m very proud and honored to be obsessed with black, Latino and Arab high school and college students,” said Felarca. “They fight for themselves and their entire generation.”

Berkeley Unified School District spokesman Mark COPLAN , said the district did not affect Felarca activity if they were his own time.

Stay away from: , former Alameda County Supervisor Nadia Lockyer has received a restraining limit your ex-boyfriend from having contact with her, her 8-year-old son and her husband, state Treasurer Bill Lockyer .

issued in Alameda County last week after her ex-boyfriend, convicted methamphetamine user Chikhani Stephen, began peppering Lockyers voice mail, e-mails and text messages after the liberation of South Bay drug treatment program.

gunfire cam e around the same time, a few extracts from Chikhani reportedly made a sex tape – with Nadia Lockyer – was released Friday on YouTube. They were quickly taken down.

Chikhani attorney Adrienne Dell , clearly annoyed with having helped to clear their clients of violence Nadia Lockyer Room, said he was aware of the restraining order, “but I have not seen it.”

Furious Fiesta : on the upper floor of the Bay Bridge Drivers may have noticed a number of circular streaks occur midway between San Francisco and Treasure Island – this is not a fixed-burning donuts.

And this is what they are.

tags at the weekend was shot in a Ford Fiesta for the business.

“We are making the commercials all the time,” says an official Tony Tam, The California Highway Patrol spokesman.

As the relevance of advertising a car doing donuts on the bridge?

“They’re paying for,&# 8221; Tam said, “that we let them do whatever they want, if it is authorized.”

EXTRA! Catch our blog at / matt ross exception.

This article on page C – 1 San Francisco Chronicle

the San Francisco Bay Area News – SFGate

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